We know our carline is slightly complicated for people brand new to the school. You can find the info from the school here: https://lemanacademy.com/parker/class-schedules-parker/
There are two primary areas that you can use to drop off or pick up your scholar.
- The West side: This is the side of the school that faces the Fire Station. It has a small parking lot and the crosswalk for any scholars that aren't dropped directly on the curb.
- The South side: This is the back of the school. You can see the playground/courtyard area.
The doors in front of the school are for entry outside of normal carline times. No parking or "standing" is allowed on the curb directly in front of the school. There are 15 minute spots in the front lot that we ask you to use.
- Drop off begins at 7:30am (8:30am on Wednesdays). We ask that scholars are dropped at least 5 minutes before their grade starts to allow them to get to class on time. K-5 wait on the playground in nice weather until picked up by their teacher. 6-8 goes directly to their lockers.
- Pick up time is assigned by grade. Do NOT enter the parking lot unless you are about 5-10 minutes before your assigned pickup time. If you come early, you will be in line with the prior group's parents and slow everything down. Once the scholars are on the curb, it should only take around 5-10 minutes to fetch your scholar. We don't have 45 minute waits like other schools.
- Pick whichever side of the school has the shortest line.
- Look at the schedule and see which side your scholar is to be picked up on and what time. If you have more than one scholar at the school, you pick all of your children up at the oldest child's time. The younger siblings will be on the curb at their assigned time, but then go to the cafeteria to wait to be called outside with your oldest child.
Here is our tongue in cheek brief description of the rules
